{ "all_rights_reserved": "All rights reserved", "auth_not_valid": "The authentication policy needs more steps: please contact your administrator for more information", "cant_login": "Can not do the login now", "changePassword_confirmNewPassword": "Confirm new password", "changePassword_confirm_label": "Change password and login", "changePassword_error_confirmPassword": "Confirm password not valid", "changePassword_error_maxLength": "Maximum length is {{num}} characters", "changePassword_error_minLength": "Minimum length is {{num}} characters", "changePassword_error_minLowerCaseChars": "Expecting at least {{num}} lowercase characters", "changePassword_error_minNumericChars": "Expecting at least {{num}} numerical characters", "changePassword_error_minPunctuationChars": "Expecting at least {{num}} punctuation characters", "changePassword_error_minUppercaseChars": "Expecting at least {{num}} uppercase characters", "changePassword_error_passwordRecentlyUsed": "Password recently used", "changePassword_newPassword": "New password", "changePassword_oldPassword": "Old password", "changePassword_title": "Create a new password", "choose_otp": "Choose the OTP method", "credentials_not_valid": "Credentials are not valid, please check data and try again", "details": "Details", "login": "Login", "login_saml": "Login SAML", "offline": "You are currently offline, please check your internet connection", "password": "Password", "select_ui": "Select UI", "server_not_responding": "The server is not responding. Please contact your server administator", "supported_browsers": "Supported browsers", "trust_device_and_ip": "Trust this device and IP address", "two_step_authentication": "Two-Step-Authentication", "type_otp": "Type here One-Time-Password", "unsupported_version": "The server sent a not valid response. Please contact your server administrator", "username": "Username", "wrong_password": "Wrong password, please check data and try again", "zextras_authentication": "Zextras Authentication" }